Sabri Meyer

MSc in Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Basel

Spiegelgasse 1
4051 Basel

About Me

I am a PhD student in the field of quantum machine learning, affiliated with the Optimization of Machine Learning Systems Group at the University of Basel, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Aurelien Lucchi and Prof. Dr. Jiři Černý. My research is funded by the SNSF and involves collaborative efforts with IBM Research Zürich.

In my free time I enjoy experimenting with the musical production of various genres and arrangements. Some of my creations are archived on my YouTube channel.


Presently, I work on the probabilistic analysis of the loss landscape of general quantum neural networks. I am particularly interested in the eigenvalue distribution of the underlying Hessian matrix at random initialization of parameters, employing techniques from random matrix theory.


Fall Semester 2023: Teacher Assistant in Mathematics of Data Science, Graduate Course at the University of Basel
  • Introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Random matrix theory, concentration inequalities and dimensionality reduction
  • Graph theory, spectral clustering and diffusion maps

Curriculum Vitae

2023 - Present: PhD in Quantum Machine Learning, University of Basel

2021 - 2023: Master of Science in Mathematics, University of Basel
  • Specialized in Algebraic Number Theory, Analysis of PDE & Stochastic Analysis
  • Master Thesis about the Hessian Eigenspectrum of Nonlinear Neural Networks
  • Electives in Theoretical Quantum Mechanics
2018 - 2021: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Basel
  • Electives in Physics & Computer Science
© 2024 Sabri Meyer